Prof. Chi Wai HUI's Publications
Year: Show All | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
Hadi myavagh, Pejman; To, Ming Ho; Hui, Chi-Wai; Lin, Carol S.K.; McKay, Gordon, "Aqueous Mercury Adsorption by Activated Carbons", Water Research, v. 73, April 2015, p. 37-55 (2015)
Yeoh, Keat Ping; Cheung, Tsz Ching Kimmy; Pahija, Ergys; Hui, Chi Wai, "Effects of Pretreatment on Microalgae Drying", Chemical Engineering Transactions, v. 45, October 2015, Pages 565-570 (2015)
Gu, Wugen
; Wang, Kan
; Huang, Yuqing
; Zhang, Bingjian
; Chen, Qinglin
; Hui, Chi-Wai, "Energy Optimization for a Multistage Crude Oil Distillation Process", Chemical engineering & technology, v. 38, (7), July 2015, p. 1243-1253 (2015)
Wang, Zhixuan; Barford, John P.; Hui, Chi Wai; McKay, Gordon, "Kinetic and equilibrium studies of hydrophilic and hydrophobic rice husk cellulosic fibers used as oil spill sorbents", Chemical engineering journal, v. 281, 2015, p. 961-969 (2015)
Pahija, Ergys; Zhang, Yu; Wang, Maojian; Zhu, Yi; Hui, Chiwai, "Microalgae growth determination using modified breakage equation model", Computer-aided chemical engineering, v. 37, 2015, p. 389-394 (2015)
Zhu, Yi; Oyedun, Adetoyese Olajire; Wang, Maojian; Pahija, Ergys; Hui, Chiwai, "Modelling and optimization of a heat integrated gasification process", Computer-aided chemical engineering,12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, v. 37, 2015, p. 401-406 (2015)
Gu, Wugen
; Chen, Xiaozhong
; Liu, Kai
; Zhang, Bingjian
; Chen, Qinglin
; Hui, Chi Wai, "Retrofitting of the Heat Exchanger Network with Steam Generation in a Crude Oil Distillation Unit", Chemical engineering & technology, v. 38, (2), February 2015, p. 203-214 (2015)
Wang, Maojian; Pahija, Ergys; Liu, Guilian
; Hui, Chiwai, "Simultaneous integration and optimization of an IGCC plant", Chemical Engineering Transactions, v. 45, 2015, Oct, p. 1891-1896 (2015)
Zhu, Yi
; Oyedun, Adetoyese Olajire
; Wang, Maojian
; Hui, Chi Wai, "Simultaneous optimization of a heat integrated coal gasification process", Chemical engineering research and design, v. 98, June 2015, p. 136-146 (2015)
Hadi, Pejman; Xu, Meng; Lin, Carol S. K.
; Hui, Chi-Wai; McKay, Gordon, "Waste printed circuit board recycling techniques and product utilization", Journal of hazardous materials, v. 283, February 2015, p. 234-243 (2015)