Prof. Chi Wai HUI's Publications
Year: Show All | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
Gupta, Avaneesh., Hui, Chi Wai., "A Bi-Index continuous time MILP model for Short-term Scheduling of Single-stage Multi-product Batch Plants with Parallel Line", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 25, 40 (2001)
Hui, CW., Gupta, A., "A bi-index continuous-time mixed-integer linear programming model for single-stage batch scheduling with parallel units", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 40, (25), 2001, DEC 12, p. 5960-5967 (2001)
Chen, BN., Hui, CW., McKay, G., "Film-pore diffusion modeling and contact time optimization for the adsorption of dyestuffs on pith", Chemical engineering journal. v. 84, (2, Sp. Iss. SI), 2001, OCT 15, p. 77-94 (2001)
Chen, B., Hui, CW., McKay, G., "Film-pore diffusion modeling for the sorption of metal ions from aqueous effluents onto peat", Water research. v. 35, (14), 2001, OCT, p. 3345-3356 (2001)
Cheung, KY., Hui, CW., "Heat exchanger network optimization with discontinuous exchanger cost function", Applied thermal engineering. v. 21, (13-14), 2001, SEP-OCT, p. 1397-1405 (2001)
Chen, BN., Hui, CW., McKay, G., "Pore-surface diffusion modeling for dyes from effluent on pith", Langmuir. v. 17, (3), 2001, FEB 6, p. 740-748 (2001)
Kwok, Y.-Y., Hui, C.-W., "Site-wide energy optimization with steam pressure changes", Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. v. 9, (C), 2001, p. 1029-1034 (2001)
Hui, CW., Smith, R., "Targeting and design for minimum treatment flowrate for vent streams", CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN. v. 79, (A1), 2001, JAN, p. 13-24 (2001)
Conference paper
Hui, Chi Wai., Porter, John., Mckay, Gordon., Cheung, Raymond., Leung, Peter., "An Integrated Design of Municipal Solid Waste Co-combustion in Cement Production and Power Generation for Optimum Energy Usage and Waste Minimization", International Conference on: Asian Energy in the New Century: Issues and Polices, August, Hong Kong
. (2001)