Prof. Chi Ming CHAN's Publications
Year: Show All | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976
Li, Jinze; Xie, Wenjing; Weng, Lutao; Chan, Chak K.; Chan, Chi Ming, "Effects of pretreatment temperature on the analysis of size-fractionated aerosol particles using ToF-SIMS", Surface and Interface Analysis, v. 52, (5), May 2020, p. 264-271 (2020)
Xie, Wenjing; Weng, Lutao; Yeung, King Lun; Chan, Chi Ming, "Repair of defects created by Ar<sup>+</sup> sputtering on graphite surface by annealing as confirmed using ToF-SIMS and XPS", Surface and Interface Analysis, v. 50, (9), September 2018, p. 851-859 (2018)
Xie, Wenjing; Weng, Lutao; Yeung, King Lun; Chan, Chiming, "Segregation of dioctyl phthalate to the surface of polystyrene films characterized by ToF-SIMS and XPS", Surface and Interface Analysis, v. 50, (12-13), December 2018, p. 1302-1309 (2018)
Xie, Wenjing; Weng, Lu-Tao; Ng, Kai Mo; Chan, Chak K.; Chan, Chi Ming, "Defects of Clean Graphene and Sputtered Graphite Surfaces Characterized by Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy", Carbon, v. 112, February 2017, p. 192-200 (2017)
Fu, Yi; Lau, Richard Yiu Ting; Weng, Lu-Tao; Ng, Kai-Mo; Chan, Chi-Ming, "Transition Temperature of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Determined by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Contact Angle Measurements", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, v. 504, October 2017, p. 758-764 (2017)
Chan, Chi Ming; Weng, Lu-Tao, "Surface Characterization of Polymer Blends by XPS and ToF-SIMS", Materials, v. 9, (8), 2016, Aug, Article number 656 (2016)
Xie, Wenjing0; Weng, Lu-Tao; Ng, Kai Mo; Chan, Chak K.; Chan, Chi-Ming, "Clean graphene surface through high temperature annealing", Carbon, v. 94, November 2015, p. 740-748 (2015)
Ren, Xianwen; Weng, Lutao; Fu, Yi; Ng, Kaimo; Chan, Chiming, "Investigating the chain conformations of spin-coated polymer thin films by ToF-SIMS depth profiling", Surface and interface analysis, v. 47, (10), 2015, p. 953-960 (2015)
Li, Jin-Ze
; Schultz, Jerold M.
; Chan, Chi-Ming, "The relationship between morphology and impact toughness of poly(L-lactic acid)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends", Polymer, v. 63, April 2015, p. 179-188 (2015)
Cheng, W.
; Weng, L.-T.
; Li, Y.
; Lau, A.
; Chan, C.
; Chan, C.-M., "Characterization of size-segregated aerosols using ToF-SIMS imaging and depth profiling", Surface and interface analysis v. 46, (7), 2014, p. 480-488 (2014)
Sun, G.
; Weng, L.-T.
; Schultz, J.M.
; Chan, C.-M., "Formation of banded and non-banded poly(l-lactic acid) spherulites during crystallization of films of poly(l-lactic acid)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends", Polymer v. 55, (7), 2014, p. 1829-1836 (2014)
Ren, Xianwen., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Effects of Ar- and Ar/O2-plasma-treated amorphous and crystalline polymer surfaces revealed by ToF-SIMS and principal component analysis", Surface and interface analysis. v. 45, (7), July 2013, p. 1158-1165 (2013)
Jiang, Xi., Liao, Qi., Zhou, Jianjun., Wang, Zhaohui., Chan, Chiming., Li, Lin., "Relaxation dynamics of stretched polymer chains traced by shear induced Shish-Kebab structure", Journal of polymer science. Part B, Polymer physics. v. 51, (11), June 2013, p. 907-914 (2013)
Cheng, Wenjuan., Weng, Lu-Tao., Li, Yongjie., Lau, Arthur., Chan, Chak K., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Surface Chemical Composition of Size-Fractionated Urban Walkway Aerosols Determined by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy", Aerosol Science and Technology. v.47, (10), 2013, p. 1118-1124 (2013)
Ren, Xianwen., Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi-Ming., Ng, Kai-Mo., "The relationship between end-group concentrations and stability of spin-coated thin polymer films investigated by ToF-SIMS depth profiling", Surface and interface analysis. v. 45, (8),2013, Aug, p. 1291-1296 (2013)
Cheng, Wenjuan., Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., "The surface chemical composition and structure of a fluorocarbon-hydrocarbon block copolymer", Surface and interface analysis. v. 45, January 2013, p. 185-189 (2013)
Lin, Yong; Chen, Haibin; Chan, Chi Ming; Wu, Jingshen, "Annealing-induced high impact toughness of polypropylene/CaCO 3 nanocomposites", Journal of applied polymer science, v. 124, (1), 2012, p. 77-86 (2012)
Ren, Xianwen., Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi-Ming., Ng, Kai-Mo., "Hollow Interior Structure of Spin-Coated Polymer Thin Films Revealed by ToF-SIMS Three-Dimensional Imaging", Analytical chemistry. v. 84, (20), October 2012, p. 8497-8504 (2012)
Li, J.-X., Chan, C.-M., "Phase structure and mechanical properties of modified poly(phenylene oxide) with high fluidity", Polymers for advanced technologies. v. 23, (4), 2012, p. 803-809 (2012)
Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Development of Chain-folding of Semicrystalline Polymers in Thin Films: a Combined ToF-SIMS and PCA Analysis", Surface and interface analysis. v. 43, January 2011, p. 340-343 (2011)
Lu, Dong., Chen, Haibin., Wu, Jingshen., Chan, Chi Ming., "Direct Measurements of the Young's Modulus of a Single Halloysite Nanotube Using a Transmission Electron Microscope with a Bending Stage", Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. v. 11, (9), September 2011, p. 7789-7793 (2011)
Lin, Yong., Chen, Haibin., Chan, Chi-Ming., Wu, Jingshen., "Effects of Coating Amount and Particle Concentration on the Impact Toughness of Polypropylene/CaCO(3) Nanocomposites", European polymer journal. v. 47, (3), March 2011, p. 294-304 (2011)
Ye, Y., Chen, H., Wu, J., Chan, C.M., "Evaluation on the thermal and mechanical properties of HNT-toughened epoxy/carbon fibre composites", Composites. Part B, Engineering. v. 42, (8), 2011, Dec, p. 2145-2150 (2011)
Li, Jian Xiong., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Fluidity and Heat Resistance of Polyphenylene Oxide Compounded with Crystalline Plasticizer", Polymer bulletin. v. 66, (6), April 2011, p. 831-840 (2011)
Lin, Yong., Ng, Kai Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., Sun, Guoxing., Wu, Jingshen., "High-impact Polystyrene/Halloysite Nanocomposites Prepared by Emulsion Polymerization using Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate as Surfactant", Journal of colloid and interface science. v. 358, (2), June 2011, p. 423-429 (2011)
Ye, Yueping., Chen, Haibin., Wu, Jingshen., Chan, Chi Ming., "Interlaminar Properties of Carbon Fiber Composites with Halloysite Nanotube-toughened Epoxy Matrix", Composites science and technology. v. 71, (5), March 2011, p. 717-723 (2011)
Lin, Y., Chen, H., Chan, C.-M., Wu, J., "Nucleating Effect of Calcium Stearate Coated CaCO3 Nanoparticles on Polypropylene", Journal of colloid and interface science. v. 354, (2), 2011, p. 570-576 (2011)
Ng, Kai-Mo., Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Chan, Chi-Ming., Weng, Lu-Tao., Wu, Jingshen., "Surface studies of halloysite nanotubes by XPS and ToF-SIMS", Surface and interface analysis. v. 43, (4), April 2011, p. 795-802 (2011)
Lau, Yiu-Ting Richard., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Kempf, Manuel., Altstaedt, Volker., Schultz, Jerold M., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Induction of Molecular Organization of Oligomers by Low-Energy Electrons", Macromolecular rapid communications. v. 31, (7), 2010, APR 6, p. 634-639 (2010)
Lau, Yiu-Ting Richard., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Kempf, Manuel., Altstadt, Volker., Schultz, Jerold M., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Macromol. Rapid Commun. 7/2010", Macromolecular Rapid Communications. Vol. 31, no. 7, NA p. 6 Apr 2010 (2010)
Li, Yang., Zhao, Zhong-fu., Lau, Yiu-Ting Richard., Lin, Yong., Chan, Chi-ming., "Preparation and characterization of coverage-controlled CaCO3 nanoparticles", Journal of colloid and interface science. v. 345, (2), 2010, MAY 15, p. 168-173 (2010)
Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Surface chemical composition and conformation of liquid crystalline polymers studied with ToF-SIMS and XPS", Surface and interface analysis. v. 42, (8, Sp. Iss. SI), 2010, AUG, p. 1445-1451 (2010)
Lin, Yong., Chen, Haibin., Chan, Chi-Ming., Wu, Jingshen., "The toughening mechanism of polypropylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites", Polymer. v. 51, (14), 2010, JUN 24, p. 3277-3284 (2010)
Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai Mo., Chan, Chi Ming., "Time-of-Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Principal Component Analysis: Determination of Structures of Lamellar Surfaces", Analytical Chemistry. v.82, (7), 2010, Apr, p.2661-2667 (2010)
Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., "ToF-SIMS and principal component analysis: Effect of film thickness on crystal surfaces of polymers", Surface and interface analysis. v. 42, (9), 2010, SEP, p. 1469-1475 (2010)
Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Schultz, Jerold M., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Control of the Fold Surface Conformation of the Lamellae of an Oligomer", Langmuir. v. 25, (14), 2009, JUL 21, p. 8263-8267 (2009)
Gong, Guan., Wu, Jingshen., Lin, Yong., Chan, Chiming., Yang, Mingbo., "Dynamic Rheological Behavior of Isotactic Polypropylene Filled With Nano-Calcium Carbonate Modified by Stearic Acid Coating", Journal OF Macromolecular science PART b-physics. v. 48, (2), 2009, Mar, p. 329-343 (2009)
Zhang, Yang., Xiao, Xing., Zhou, Jian-jun., Wang, Lei., Li, Zhi-bo., Li, Lin., Shi, Lin-qi., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Re-assembly behaviors of polystyrene-b-poly(acrylic acid) micelles", Polymer. v. 50, (25), 2009, NOV 27, p. 6166-6171 (2009)
Lin, Yong., Chen, Haibin., Chan, Chi-Ming., Wu, Jingshen., "High Impact Toughness Polypropylene/CaCO3 Nanocomposites and the Toughening Mechanism", Macromolecules. v. 41, (23), 2008, DEC 9, p. 9204-9213 (2008)
Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Lamellar orientation on the surface of a polymer determined by ToF-SIMS and AFM", Applied surface science. v. 255, (4), 2008, DEC 15, p. 1001-1005 (2008)
Jiang, Shichun., He, Chaoliang., Men, Yongfeng., Chen, Xuesi., An, Lijia., Funari, Sergio S., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Study of temperature dependence of crystallisation transitions of a symmetric PEO-PCL diblock copolymer using simultaneous SAXS and WAXS measurements with synchrotron radiation", EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E. v. 27, (4), 2008, DEC, p. 357-364 (2008)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., Ng, Kai-Mo., Li, Lin., "What controls the lamellar orientation at the surface of polymer films during crystallization?", Macromolecules. v. 41, (7), 2008, APR 8, p. 2548-2553 (2008)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., Jiang, Yong., Li, Lin., Ng, Kai-Mo., "AFM studies of the molecular weight dependence of lamellar growth kinetics of polymers near the glass transition temperature", Macromolecules. v. 40, (11), 2007, MAY 29, p. 4002-4008 (2007)
Wang, Xi., Hou, Weimin., Zhou, Jianjun., Li, Lin., Li, Yang., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Melting behavior of lamellae of isotactic polypropylene studied using hot-stage atomic force microscopy", Colloid and polymer science. v. 285, (4), 2007, JAN, p. 449-455 (2007)
Chen, Haibin., Wang, Mozhen., Lin, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., Wu, Jingshen., "Morphology and mechanical property of binary and ternary polypropylene nanocomposites with nanoclay and CaCO3 particle", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 106, (5), 2007, DEC 5, p. 3409-3416 (2007)
Xiao, Xing., Fu, Ya-qin., Zhou, Jian-jun., Bo, Zhi-shan., Li, Lin., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Reversible thermally responsive and luminescent coil-rod-coil triblock copolymers", Macromolecular rapid communications. v. 28, (9), 2007, MAY 2, p. 1003-1009 (2007)
Zhou, Jian-Jun., Li, Jing., Fu, Ya-Qin., Bo, Zhi-Shan., Li, Lin., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Rod-like crystal growth of dioctyl substituted polyfluorene from nematic and isotropic states", Polymer. v. 48, (9), 2007, APR 24, p. 2503-2507 (2007)
Hou, Wei-Min., Zhou, Jian-Jun., Gan, Zhi-Hua., Shi, An-Chang., Chan, Chi-Ming., Li, Lin., "The crystallization morphology and melting behavior of polymer crystals in nano-sized domains", Polymer. v. 48, (17), 2007, AUG 10, p. 4926-4931 (2007)
Wang, Xiaohong., Zhou, Jianjun., Li, Lin., Chan, Chi-Ming., "The effect of substrate on the annealing of poly(butylene succinate) single crystals", Macromolecular rapid communications. v. 28, (20), 2007, OCT 15, p. 2001-2006 (2007)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., Li, Lin., Ng, Kai-Mo., "Concentric-ringed structures in polymer thin films", Langmuir. v. 22, (17), 2006, AUG 15, p. 7384-7390 (2006)
Cheung, Zhuo-Lin., Ng, Kai-Mo., Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi-Ming., Li, Lin., "Crystal-Driven Migration of the Low Surface Energy Segment of a Copolymer to the Bulk", Polymer. 47, 3164-3170 (2006) (2006)
Cheung, ZL., Ng, KM., Weng, LT., Chan, CM., Li, L., "Crystallization-driven migration of the low surface energy segment of a copolymer to the bulk", Polymer. v. 47, (9), 2006, APR 19, p. 3164-3170 (2006)
Weon, JI., Gam, KT., Boo, WJ., Sue, HJ., Chan, CM., "Impact-toughening mechanisms of calcium carbonate-reinforced polypropylene nanocomposite", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 99, (6), 2006, MAR 15, p. 3070-3076 (2006)
Chen, Zhijun., Lu, Xiaolin., Chan, C. M., Mi, Yongli., "Manipulating the surface properties of polyacrylamide with nitrogen plasma", European polymer journal. v. 42, (11), 2006, NOV, p. 2914-2920 (2006)
Lau, Yiu-Ting R., Zhou, Hui., Chan, Chi-Ming., Weng, Lu-Tao., Li, Lin., "Onset of surface segregation controlled by the segment length of the low-energy component of polymers", Surface and interface analysis. v. 38, (8), 2006, AUG, p. 1223-1229 (2006)
Weng, LT., Ng, KM., Cheung, ZL., Lei, YG., Chan, CM., "Quantitative analysis of styrene-pentafluorostyrene random copolymers by ToF-SIMS and XPS", Surface and interface analysis. v. 38, (1), 2006, JAN, p. 32-43 (2006)
Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi-Ming., "SSIMS analysis of organics, polymer blends and interfaces", Applied surface science. v. 252, (19, Sp. Iss. SI), 2006, JUL 30, p. 6570-6574 (2006)
Zhou, JJ., Liu, JG., Yan, SK., Dong, JY., Li, L., Chan, CM., Schultz, JM., "Atomic force microscopy study of the lamellar growth of isotactic polypropylene", Polymer. v. 46, (12), 2005, MAY 26, p. 4077-4087 (2005)
Chan, CM., Li, L., "Direct observation of the growth of lamellae and spherulites by AFM", Advances in polymer science. v. 188, 2005, p. 1-41 (2005)
Cheung, ZL., Weng, LT., Chan, CM., Hou, WM., Li, L., "Morphology-driven surface segregation in a blend of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and poly(vinyl chloride)", Langmuir. v. 21, (17), 2005, AUG 16, p. 7968-7970 (2005)
Chan, CM., Wang, Q., "Optimal drift design of tall reinforced concrete buildings with non-linear cracking effects", STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF TALL AND SPECIAL BUILDINGS. v. 14, (4), 2005, DEC, p. 331-351 (2005)
Liu, SY., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., Jiang, M., "Surface segregation in polymer blends and interpolymer complexes with increasing hydrogen bonding interactions", Journal OF POLYMER science PART b-polymer PHYSICS. v. 43, (14), 2005, JUL 15, p. 1924-1930 (2005)
Liu, SY., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., Jiang, M., "Combined X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion MS surface quantitative analysis of polymer blends with varying mixing thermodynamics", Analytical chemistry. v. 76, (17), 2004, SEP 1, p. 5165-5171 (2004)
Li, JX., Wang, Q., Chan, CH., Wu, JS., "Effect of molding temperature on crystalline and phase morphologies of HDPE composites containing PP nano-fibers", Polymer. v. 45, (16), 2004, JUL 22, p. 5719-5727 (2004)
Chan, C., Harland, ML., Webb, SE., Chen, JL., Miller, AL., Barritt, GJ., "Evaluation, using targeted aequorins, of the roles of the endoplasmic reticulum and its (Ca2++Mg2+)ATP-ases in the activation of store-operated Ca2+ channels in liver cells", Cell calcium. v. 35, (4), 2004, APR, p. 317-331 (2004)
Zhu, SH., Chan, CM., Mai, YW., "Micrornechanical properties on the surface of PVC/SBR blends spatially resolved by a nanoindentation technique", Polymer engineering and science. v. 44, (3), 2004, MAR, p. 609-614 (2004)
Wang, Y., Chan, CM., Ng, KM., Jiang, Y., Li, L., "Real-time observation of lamellar branching induced by an AFM tip and the stability of induced nuclei", Langmuir. v. 20, (19), 2004, SEP 14, p. 8220-8223 (2004)
Liu, SY., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., Jiang, M., "Surface quantitative characterization of poly (styrene-co-4-vinyl phenol)/poly(styrene-co-4-vinyl pyridine) blends with controlled hydrogen bonding interactions", Polymer. v. 45, (14), 2004, JUN 21, p. 4945-4951 (2004)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., Li, JX., "A method to control the dispersion of carbon black in an immiscible polymer blend", Polymer engineering and science. v. 43, (5), 2003, MAY, p. 1058-1063 (2003)
Jiang, Y., Gu, Q., Li, L., Shen, DY., Jin, XG., Chan, CM., "Conformational changes in the induction period of crystallization as measured by FT-IR", Polymer. v. 44, (12), 2003, JUN, p. 3509-3513 (2003)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Effects of strain and temperature on the electrical properties of carbon black-filled alternating copolymer of ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene composites", Polymer engineering and science. v. 43, (5), 2003, MAY, p. 1064-1070 (2003)
Zheng, SX., Guo, QP., Chan, CM., "Epoxy resin/poly(epsilon-caprolactone) blends cured with 2,2-bis[4(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl]propane. II. Studies by Fourier transform infrared and carbon-13 cross-polarization/magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy", Journal OF POLYMER science PART b-polymer PHYSICS. v. 41, (10), 2003, MAY 15, p. 1099-1111 (2003)
Lei, YG., Chan, CM., Wang, Y., Ng, KM., Jiang, Y., Lin, L., "Growth process of homogeneously and heterogeneously nucleated spherulites as observed by atomic force microscopy", Polymer. v. 44, (16), 2003, JUL, p. 4673-4679 (2003)
Jiang, Y., Yan, DD., Gao, X., Han, CC., Jin, XG., Li, L., Wang, Y., Chan, CM., "Lamellar branching of poly(bisphenol A-co-decane) spherulites at different temperatures studied by high-temperature AFM", Macromolecules. v. 36, (10), 2003, MAY 20, p. 3652-3655 (2003)
Jiang, Yong., Jin, Xi-Gao., Li, Lin., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Melting and Recrystallization of Lamellar Crystals of Poly(bispehnol A-co-decane ether) by in-situ Atomic Force Microscopy", Langmuir. 19, 8010-8018 (2003)
Jiang, Y., Jin, XG., Han, CC., Li, L., Wang, Y., Chan, CM., "Melting behaviors of lamellar crystals of poly(bisphenol A-co-decane ether) studied by in-situ atomic force microscopy", Langmuir. v. 19, (19), 2003, SEP 16, p. 8010-8018 (2003)
Luo, YH., Liu, HW., Xi, F., Li, L., Jin, XG., Han, CC., Chan, CM., "Supramolecular assembly of poly(phenylene vinylene) with crown ether substituents to form nanoribbons", Journal of the American Chemical Society. v. 125, (21), 2003, MAY 28, p. 6447-6451 (2003)
Lei, YG., Cheung, ZL., Ng, KM., Li, L., Weng, LT., Chan, CM., "Surface chemical and morphological properties of a blend containing semi-crystalline and amorphous polymers studied with ToF-SIMS, XPS and AFM", Polymer. v. 44, (14), 2003, JUN, p. 3883-3890 (2003)
Jiang, Y., Zhou, JJ., Li, L., Xu, J., Guo, BH., Zhang, ZM., Wu, Q., Chen, GQ., Weng, LT., Cheung, ZL., Chan, CM., "Surface properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) banded spherulites studied by atomic force microscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry", Langmuir. v. 19, (18), 2003, SEP 2, p. 7417-7422 (2003)
Yuan, Y., Kwong, AWK., Kaptein, WA., Fong, C., Tse, M., Glatz, JFC., Chan, C., Renneberg, R., "The responses of fatty acid-binding protein and creatine kinase to acute and chronic exercise in junior rowers", Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. v. 74, (3), 2003, SEP, p. 277-283 (2003)
Weng, LT., Chan, CM., "ToF-SIMS quantitative approaches in copolymers and polymer blends", Applied surface science. v. 203, 2003, JAN 15, p. 532-537 (2003)
Lei, YG., Ng, KM., Weng, LT., Chan, CM., Li, L., "XPS C 1s binding energies for fluorocarbon-hydrocarbon microblock copolymers", Surface and interface analysis. v. 35, (10), 2003, OCT, p. 852-855 (2003)
Chan, Chi-Ming., Weng, Lu-Tao., Li, Lin., "Applications of surface analysis techniques in surface characterization of polymer surfaces and interfaces", Journal of Japanese Adhesion Society. 38(5), 173-192 (2002)
Feng, JY., Li, JX., Chan, CM., "Distribution of carbon black in semicrystalline polypropylene studied by transmission electron microscopy", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 85, (2), 2002, JUL 11, p. 358-365 (2002)
Feng, JY., Li, L., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., "Inter-diffusion between PMMA and PVDF during lamination studied by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry chemical imaging", Surface and interface analysis. v. 33, (5), 2002, MAY, p. 455-458 (2002)
Chan, CM., Wu, JS., Li, JX., Cheung, YK., "Polypropylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites", Polymer. v. 43, (10), 2002, MAY, p. 2981-2992 (2002)
Luo, Yan-Hong., Jiang, Yong., Lei, Yu-Gao., Chan, Chi-Ming., Jin, Xi-Gao., Li, Lin., "Progress in the Study of Crystallization of Polymers by Atomic Force Microscopy", Chinese Science Bulletin. 47, 1121-1125 (2002)
Luo, Y., Jiang, Y., Jin, X., Li, L., Lei, Y., Chan, C., "Recent progresses of polymer crystallization studied by AFM", Chinese Science Bulletin. v. 47, (21), 2002, p. 1761-1765 (2002)
Zhou, H., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., Ng, KM., Li, L., "Relationship between the structure of polymers with well-defined fluorocarbon segmental lengths and the formation of secondary ions in SIMS", Surface and interface analysis. v. 33, (12), 2002, DEC, p. 932-939 (2002)
Jiang, Y., Gu, Q., Li, L., Shen, DY., Jin, XG., Lei, YG., Chan, CM., "Structural changes during isothermal crystallization of a poly(bisphenol A-co-decane ether) polymer", Polymer. v. 43, (21), 2002, OCT, p. 5615-5621 (2002)
Liu, SY., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., Li, L., Jiang, M., "Surface characterization of poly(styrene-co-p-hexafluorohydroxyisopropyl-alpha-methylstyrene)/poly(4 -vinylpyridine) blends spanning the immiscibility-miscibility-complexation transition by XPS, ToF-SIMS, and AFM", Macromolecules. v. 35, (14), 2002, JUL 2, p. 5623-5629 (2002)
Lei, YG., Chan, CM., Li, JX., Ng, KM., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y., Li, L., "The birth of an embryo and development of the founding lamella of spherulites as observed by atomic force microscopy", Macromolecules. v. 35, (18), 2002, AUG 27, p. 6751-6753 (2002)
Li, L., Chan, CM., Ng, KM., Lei, YG., Weng, LT., "A time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry study of sequential polymers with a well-defined segmental length", Polymer. v. 42, (16), 2001, JUL, p. 6841-6849 (2001)
Li, L., Chan, CM., Yeung, KL., Li, JX., Ng, KM., Lei, YG., "Direct observation of growth of lamellae and spherulites of a semicrystalline polymer by AFM", Macromolecules. v. 34, (2), 2001, JAN 16, p. 316-325 (2001)
Li, JX., Chan, CM., "Effect of the size of the dispersed NBR phase in PVC/NBR blends on the stability of PVC to electron irradiation", Polymer. v. 42, (16), 2001, JUL, p. 6833-6839 (2001)
Liu, SY., Jiang, M., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., "Elimination of surface enrichment in polymer blends via interpolymer complexation", Macromolecules. v. 34, (11), 2001, MAY 22, p. 3802-3804 (2001)
Feng, JY., Weng, LT., Chan, CM., Xhie, J., Li, L., "Imaging of sub-surface nano particles by tapping-mode atomic force microscopy", Polymer. v. 42, (5), 2001, MAR, p. 2259-2262 (2001)
Kim, JK., Huang, XJ., Yu, TX., Chan, CM., Guo, BH., "Interlaminar fracture behaviour of re-formed bamboo/aluminium sheet laminates", Journal of adhesion science and technology. v. 15, (5), 2001, p. 535-552 (2001)
Liu, SY., Weng, LT., Chan, CM., Li, L., Ho, NK., Jiang, M., "Quantitative surface characterization of poly(styrene)/poly(4-vinyl phenol) random and block copolymers by ToF-SIMS and XPS", Surface and interface analysis. v. 31, (8), 2001, AUG, p. 745-753 (2001)
Wu, JS., Guo, BH., Chan, CM., Li, JX., Tang, HS., "Synergistic toughening effect of SBS and HDPE on the fracture of the PS/HDPE/SBS bends", Polymer. v. 42, (21), 2001, OCT, p. 8857-8865 (2001)
Zeng, XM., Weng, LT., Li, L., Chan, CM., Liu, SY., Jiang, M., "ToF-SIMS study of the surface morphology of blends of polystyrene and poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) compatibilized by poly(styrene-co-4-vinylphenol)", Surface and interface analysis. v. 31, (5), 2001, MAY, p. 421-428 (2001)
Chan, CM., Weng, LT., "Applications of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and static secondary ion mass spectrometry in surface characterization of copolymers and polymers blends", Reviews in chemical engineering. v. 16, (4), 2000, p. 341-408 (2000)
Feng, JY., Weng, LT., Li, F., Chan, CM., "Compatibilization of polycarbonate and poly(vinylidene fluoride) blends studied by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy", Surface and interface analysis. v. 29, (2), 2000, FEB, p. 168-174 (2000)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Double positive temperature coefficient effects of carbon black-filled polymer blends containing two semicrystalline polymers", Polymer. v. 41, (12), 2000, JUN, p. 4559-4565 (2000)
Wu, JS., Yu, DM., Chan, CM., Kim, JK., Mai, YM., "Effect of fiber pretreatment condition on the interfacial strength and mechanical properties of wood fiber/PP composites", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 76, (7), 2000, MAY 16, p. 1000-1010 (2000)
Li, JX., Chan, CM., Gao, BH., Wu, JS., "Effects of thermal history on the interfacial layer of PS/HDPE/SBS blends", Macromolecules. v. 33, (3), 2000, FEB 8, p. 1022-1029 (2000)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., "Influence of chain sequence structure of polymers on ToF-SIMS spectra", Polymer. v. 41, (7), 2000, MAR, p. 2695-2699 (2000)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Positive and negative temperature coefficient effects of an alternating copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene-ethylene containing carbon black-filled HDPE particles", Polymer. v. 41, (19), 2000, JUN, p. 7279-7282 (2000)
Chan, C.-M., Li, L., Ng, K.-M., Li, J., Weng, L.-T., "Progress of olefin polymerization by metallocene catalysts", Macromolecular Symposia. v. 159, 2000, p. 9-17 (2000)
Zeng, XM., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., Li, L., "Surface characterization and quantitative study of poly(4-vinyl phenol) and poly(4-vinyl pyridine) blends by XPS and ToF-SIMS", Polymer. v. 41, (23), 2000, NOV, p. 8321-8329 (2000)
Liu, SY., Weng, LT., Chan, CM., Li, L., Ho, KC., Jiang, M., "Surface characterization of poly(styrene-co-p-hexafluorohydroxyisopropyl-alpha-methyl styrene) copolymers by ToF-SIMS, XPS and contact angle measurements", Surface and interface analysis. v. 29, (8), 2000, AUG, p. 500-507 (2000)
Chan, CM., Li, L., Ng, KM., Li, JX., Weng, LT., "Surface studies of polyethers with well-defined segmental length", Macromolecular symposia. v. 159, 2000, OCT, p. 113-121 (2000)
Li, L., Chan, CM., Liu, SY., An, LJ., Ng, KM., Weng, LT., Ho, KC., "Surface studies of polymers with a well-defined segmental length by ToF-SIMS and XPS. Relationship between the surface chemical composition and segmental length", Macromolecules. v. 33, (21), 2000, OCT 17, p. 8002-8005 (2000)
Li, L., Ng, KM., Chan, CM., Feng, JY., Zeng, XM., Weng, LT., "Surface studies of the rearrangement of end groups of a polymer by ToF-SIMS and AFM", Macromolecules. v. 33, (15), 2000, JUL 25, p. 5588-5592 (2000)
Li, JX., Wu, JS., Chan, CM., "Thermoplastic nanocomposites", Polymer. v. 41, (18), 2000, AUG, p. 6935-6937 (2000)
Li, L., Chan, CM., Li, JX., Ng, KM., Yeung, KL., Weng, LT., "A direct observation of the formation of nuclei and the development of lamellae in polymer spherulites", Macromolecules. v. 32, (24), 1999, NOV 30, p. 8240-8242 (1999)
Zheng, SX., Guo, QP., Mi, YL., Chan, CM., "Blends of poly(hydroxyether of bisphenol A) and polycarbonate: In situ polymerization preparation, miscibility, and transreaction", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 73, (7), 1999, AUG 15, p. 1181-1190 (1999)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Carbon black-filled immiscible blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and high density polyethylene: The relationship between morphology and positive and negative temperature coefficient effects", Polymer engineering and science. v. 39, (7), 1999, JUL, p. 1207-1215 (1999)
Guo, BH., Chan, CM., "Chain extension of poly(butylene terephthalate) by reactive extrusion", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 71, (11), 1999, MAR 14, p. 1827-1834 (1999)
Lo, HHK., Chan, CM., Zhu, SH., "Characterization of the lubricant layer formed at the interface between the extrudate and the die wall during the extrusion of high density polyethylene and fluoroelastomer blends by XPS, SIMS and SEM", Polymer engineering and science. v. 39, (4), 1999, APR, p. 721-732 (1999)
Chan, CK., Porter, JF., Li, YG., Guo, W., Chan, CM., "Effects of calcination on the microstructures and photocatalytic properties of nanosized titanium dioxide powders prepared by vapor hydrolysis", Journal of the American Ceramic Society. v. 82, (3), 1999, MAR, p. 566-572 (1999)
Zhu, SH., Chan, CM., Wong, SC., Mai, YW., "Mechanical properties of PVC/SBR blends compatibilized by aerylonitrile-butadiene rubber and covulcanization", Polymer engineering and science. v. 39, (10), 1999, OCT, p. 1998-2006 (1999)
Li, JX., Cheung, WL., Chan, CM., "On deformation mechanisms of beta-polypropylene 2. Changes of lamellar structure caused by tensile load", Polymer. v. 40, (8), 1999, APR, p. 2089-2102 (1999)
Li, JX., Cheung, WL., Chan, CM., "On deformation mechanisms of beta-polypropylene 3. Lamella structures after necking and cold drawing", Polymer. v. 40, (13), 1999, JUN, p. 3641-3656 (1999)
Zheng, SX., Guo, QP., Chan, CM., "Poly(hydroxyether of bisphenol A)/poly(vinyl acetate) blends: In situ polymerization preparation, morphology, and properties", Journal OF POLYMER science PART a-polymer CHEMISTRY. v. 37, (14), 1999, JUL 15, p. 2329-2337 (1999)
Zhu, Shui-Han., Chan, Chi Ming., "A novel method to detect the increase in the rubber concentration at the interface between the poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and styrene-butadiene copolymer (SBR) phases in compatibilized PVC/SBR blends", Macromolecules , v. 31, (5), 1998, MAR 10, p. 1690-1693 (1998)
Mi, YL., Zheng, SX., Chan, CM., Guo, QP., "Blends of phenolphthalein poly(ether ether ketone) and a thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 69, (10), 1998, SEP 6, p. 1923-1931 (1998)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Carbon black-filled immiscible blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and high density polyethylene: Electrical properties and morphology", Polymer engineering and science. v. 38, (10), 1998, OCT, p. 1649-1657 (1998)
Wang, Z., Chan, CM., Zhu, SH., Shen, JR., "Compatibilization of polystyrene and low density polyethylene blends by a two-step crosslinking process", Polymer. v. 39, (26), 1998, DEC, p. 6801-6806 (1998)
Ouyang, M., Chan, CM., "Conductive polymer composites prepared by polypyrrole-coated poly(vinyl chloride) powder: relationship between conductivity and surface morphology", Polymer. v. 39, (10), 1998, MAY, p. 1857-1862 (1998)
Zhu, SH., Cheung, MK., Chan, CM., "Interfacial characterization of compatibilized PVC/SBR blends by solid-state n.m.r. and TEM", Polymer. v. 39, (24), 1998, NOV, p. 6099-6108 (1998)
Yang, W., Shen, JA., Zhu, SH., Chan, CM., "Miscibility and mechanical properties of sulfonated polystyrene-polyurethane blends", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 67, (12), 1998, MAR 21, p. 2035-2045 (1998)
Weng, Lu-Tao., Smith, Terry., Feng, Jiyun., Chan, Chi Ming., "Morphology and Miscibility of ETFE/PMMA Blends Studied by ToF SIMS Imaging", Macromolecules , v. 31, (3), 1998, FEB 10, p. 928-932 (1998)
Xu, SA., Chan, CM., "Polystyrene high density polyethylene blends compatibilized by a tri-block copolymer I. Properties and morphology", Polymer journal. v. 30, (7), 1998, p. 552-558 (1998)
Xu, SA., Chan, CM., "Polystyrene/high density polyethylene blends compatibilized by tri-block copolymer II. Toughening and deformation mechanisms", Polymer journal. v. 30, (9), 1998, p. 691-696 (1998)
Li, L., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., Xiang, ML., Jiang, M., "Specific interaction between poly(styrene-co-4-vinylphenol) and poly(styrene-co-4-vinylpyridine) studied by C-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry", Macromolecules. v. 31, (21), 1998, OCT 20, p. 7248-7255 (1998)
Li, L., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., "The effects of specific interactions on the surface structure and composition of miscible blends of poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)", Polymer. v. 39, (11), 1998, MAY, p. 2355-2360 (1998)
Zhu, SH., Chan, CM., "Transition of phase continuity induced by crosslinking and interfacial reaction during reactive processing of compatibilized PVC/SBR blends", Polymer. v. 39, (26), 1998, DEC, p. 7023-7032 (1998)
Chan, Chi Ming., Cheung, Chi-Leung., Yuen, Matthew., "A New Conductive Polymer Composites Prepared by Sintering of a Mixture of Carbon Black and Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene", Polym. Eng. Sci.. v. 37, 1997, p. 1127-1136 (1997)
Mi, YL., Feng, JY., Chan, CM., Guo, QP., "Blends of phenolphthalein poly(ether ether sulfone) with a thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester", Journal OF Macromolecular science-physics. v. B36, (1), 1997, p. 153-167 (1997)
Mi, YL., Feng, JY., Chan, CM., Guo, QP., "Blends of the alternating ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer with poly(vinylidene fluoride)", Journal of applied polymer science. v. 65, (2), 1997, JUL 11, p. 295-304 (1997)
Guo, W., Porter, J.F., Chan, C.-M., Chan, C.-K., "Characterization of ultrafine titanium dioxide powders produced by vapor phase hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide", Journal of Aerosol Science. v. 28, (SUPPL. 1), 1997, p. S485-S486 (1997)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Compatibility and properties of alternating ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer and poly(methyl methacrylate) blends", Polymer. v. 38, (26), 1997, DEC, p. 6371-6378 (1997)
Chan, CM., Zhu, SH., "Effect of interfacial failure on the viscosity of high-density polyethylene", Polymers for advanced technologies. v. 8, (4), 1997, APR, p. 257-260 (1997)
Lin, Li., Chan, Chi Ming., Weng, L. T., "Effects of Sequence Distribution of Poly(acrylonitrile -butadiene) Copolymers on the Surface Chemical Composition as Determined by XPS and Dynamic contact angle measurements", Macromolecules. v. 30, 1997, p. 3698-3700 (1997)
Li, L., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., "Effects of the sequence distribution of poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene) copolymers on the surface chemical composition as determined by XPS and dynamic contact angle measurements", Macromolecules. v. 30, (12), 1997, JUN 16, p. 3698-3700 (1997)
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Chan, CM., Feng, JY., "Mechanisms for viscosity reduction of polymer blends: Blends of fluoroelastomer and high-density polyethylene", Journal of rheology. v. 41, (2), 1997, MAR-APR, p. 319-333 (1997)
Jiyun, Feng., Chan, Chi Ming., "Miscibility and Properties of Alternating Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymers and Poly(methyl methacrylate) Blends", Polymer. v. 38, 1997, p. 6371-6378 (1997)
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CHAN, CM., "Viscosity and the Formation of Die Drool at the Polymer-metal Interfaces - Effects of Surface-Coatings", International polymer processing. v. 10, (3), 1995, SEP, p. 200-203 (1995)
Chan, Chi Ming., Nixon, A., Venkatraman, S., "The Effect of the Low-Energy Component On the Viscosity of Blends of Poly(ether ether ketone) and Polytetrafluoroethylene", J. Rheology. v. 36, 1992, p. 807-820 (1992)
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Kao, C.-T., Blackman, G. S., Van Hove, M. A., Somorjai, G. A., Chan, Chi Ming., "The Surface Structure and Chemical Reactivity of Rh(111)-(2x2)-3NO by HREELS and Dynamical LEED Analysis", Surface Sci.. v. 224, 1989, p. 77-96 (1989)
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Chan, Chi Ming., "Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry of Polyethylene Coated Carbon Black", Appl. Surface Sci.. v. 10, 1982, p. 377-382 (1982)
Chan, Chi Ming., Van Hove, M. A., Weinberg, W. H., Williams, E. D., "An R-Factor Analysis of Several Models of Reconstructed Ir(110)-(1x2) Surface", Surface Sci.. v. 91, 1980, p. 440-448 (1980)
Chan, Chi Ming., Luke, K. L., Van Hove, M. A., Weinberg, W. H., Williams, E. D., "A Structure Determination of the Unreconstructed and the Reconstructed (110) Surface of Iridium", J. Vac. Sci. Technol.. v. 16, 1979, p. 642-645 (1979)
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Chan, Chi Ming., Weinberg, W. H., "Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Structural Analysis of the (2x2) Oxygen Overlayer on Iridium (111) Surface", J. Chem. Phys.. v. 7, 1979, p. 2788-2792 (1979)
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Chan, Chi Ming., Aris, A., Weinberg, W. H., "An Analysis of Thermal Desorption Mass Spectra I", Appl. Surface Sci.. v. 1, 1978. p. 360-376 (1978)
Chan, Chi Ming., Weinberg, W. H., "An Analysis of Thermal Desorption Mass Spectra II", Appl. Surface Sci.. v. 1, 1978, p. 377-387 (1978)
Chan, Chi Ming., Cunningham, S. L., Luke, K. L., Weinberg, W. H., Withrow, S. P., "Determination of the Atomic Arrangement on Unreconstructed Surface by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction", Surface Sci.. v. 78, 1978, p. 15-23 (1978)
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Chan, Chi Ming., Luke, K. L., Van Hove, M. A., Weinberg, W. H., Withrow, S. P., "The Structure of the c(2x2) Oxygen on Unreconstructed Ir(110) Surface by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction", Surface Sci.. v. 78, 1978, p. 386-396 (1978)
Chan, Chi Ming., Cunningham, S. L., Van Hove, M. A., Weinberg, W. H., Withrow, S. P., "An Analysis of the Structure of the Iridium (111) Surface by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction", Surface. Sci.. v. 66, 1977, p. 394-404 (1977)
Chan, Chi Ming., Cunningham, S. L., Weinberg, W. H., "Determination of Surface Relaxation from LEED Via a Transform Method", J. Vac. Sci. Technol.. v. 14, 1977, p. 312-313 (1977)
Chan, Chi Ming., Cunningham, S. L., Weinberg, W. H., "Determination of Surface Relaxation of FCC Metal of LEED", Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.. v. 22, 1977, p. 357-359 (1977)
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Book chapter
Li, Yong., Chan, Chi Ming., "Calcium carbonate nanocomposites", Advances in Polymer Nanocomposite Types and Applications. / Edited by F Gao. UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2012, p. 55-90 (2012)
Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi Ming., "Surface Analysis", International Encyclopedia of Composites. / Edited by Luigi Nicolais, Assunta Borzacchiello, Stuart M. Lee. New York: VCH, v.5, 2011, p. 372-390 (2011)
Chau, J. Lik Hang., Leung, A. Yat Lai., Shing, M. Bong., Yeung, King Lun., Chan, Chi Ming., "Hyrogen and Proton Transport Properties of Nanoporous Zeolite Micromembranes", Nano Science and Technology: Novel Structure and Phenomena, Taylor Francis, London. 228-232 (2003)
Chan, Chi Ming., Venkatraman, S., "Coating Rheology", in Encyclopedia of Coating Technology. Editor Marcel Dekker. New York: 1991, p. 19-35 (1991)
Chan, Chi Ming., "Surface Analysis", in International Encyclopedia of Composites. v. 5, New York: 1991, p. 372-390 (1991)
Conference paper
Cheng, W., Lau, Y.-T.R., Weng, L.-T., Ng, K.-M., Chan, C.-M., "The surface chemical composition and structure of a fluorocarbon- hydrocarbon block copolymer", Surface and interface analysis. v. 45, (1), 2013, p. 185-189 (2013)
Ren, Xianwen., Chan, Chi Ming., Wang, Yong., Ng, Kai Mo., "A Facile Approach to Visualization of Giant Screw Dislocation during the Melt-crystallization of Polymer Thin Films", American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA. March 21-25, 2010 (2010)
Weng, Lutao., Chan, Chi Ming., "TOF SIMS study of semi-crystalline polymer surfaces", The International Symposium on SIMS and related techniques based on ion-solid interactions (SISS-12). Seikei University, June 10-11, 2010, page 44 (2010)
Lin, Yong., Chen, Haibin., Chan, Chi Ming., Wu, Jingshen., "Effect of surface modification of the filler on the impact toughness of Polypropylene/CaC03 nanocomposites", Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany. Sept. 12-15, 2009 (2009)
Lin, Yong., Chen, Haiben., Chan, Chi Ming., Wu, Jingshen., "Effects of surface modification of the filler on the impact toughness of Polypropylene/CaCO3 nanocomposites", American Chemical Society National Meeting. Salt Lake City, USA, March 22-26 (2009)
Ye, Y., Chen, H., Wu, J., Chan, C-M., Ye, L., "Properties of Advanced Fiber Composites with Halloysite Nanotube Toughened Epoxy Matrix", 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17), Edinburgh, Scotland (UK), 27-31 Jul 2009
. (2009)
Lau, Richard., Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi Ming., "Study of polymer chain folding by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry", International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Toronto, Canada. Sept. 14-18, 2009 (2009)
Chan, Chi Ming., Lin, Yong., Chen, Haibin., Wu, Jingshen., "Toughening Mechanism of Polypropylene/Calcium Carbonate Nanocomposites", Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany. Sept. 12-15, 2009 (2009)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi Ming., Jiang, Yong., Li, Lin., Ng, Kai Mo., "AFM Studies of the Molecular-weight Dependence of Lamellar Growth Kinetics and the Morphological Development of Polymers", Polymer Society Asia/ Australia meeting, July 14-17, Shanghai, China 2007
. (2007)
Gong, Guan., Wu, Jingshen., Lin, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., Yang, Mingbo., "Effects of surface coating on the rheological properties of PP/CaCO3 nanocomposites", China Polymer Symposium 2007, Chengdu, China,. 9-13/Oct/2007 (2007)
Li, Yong., Chan, Chi Ming., Wu, Jingshen., "Polypropylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites", Asia Oceania Top University League student workshop, Korea Advanced Institute Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, November 27-30, 12-4, 2007. November 27-30, 12-4, 2007 (2007)
Liu, Richard., Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi Ming., "ToF-SIMS study of lamellar orientation of polymers at the surface", SIMS XVI Kanazawa, Japan, Oct 29-Nov. 2, 2007
. (2007)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi Ming., Ng, Kai Mo., Li, Lin., "What controls the lamellar orientation at the surface of polymer films during crystallization?", 5th Singapore International Chemical Conference or SICC-5, 16 to 19 December 2007, Singapore
. (2007)
Ng, Kai-Mo., Lau, Yiu-Ting., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Chemical Characterization of Proton Exchange Membranes by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry", World Forum on Advanced Materials. Nara, Japan, April 17-22, 2006, p.31. (2006)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Concentric-Ringed Structures in Thin Polymer Films", 1st European Chemistry Congress (1st ECC), Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest (Hungary), 27-31 Aug 2006
. (2006)
Lau, Yiu-Ting., Chan, Chi-Ming., Ng, Kai-Mo., Weng, Lu-Tao., "Crystal orientation and molecular information at the fold surface and crystalline core by surface characterization techniques", 231 st meeting, American Chemical Society. Atlanta, GA, USA, March 26-30, 2006. (2006)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., Li, Lin., Ng, Kai-Mo., "Crystalline Morphology of Poly(bisphenol A hexane ether) (BA-C6) Formed at Film Surface at Temperatures below the Glass Transition Temperature of BA-C6 Bulk", 231 st meeting, American Chemical Society. Atlanta, GA, USA, March 26-30, 2006 (2006)
Mi, Y., Wan, K., Wei, B., Hsing, I.-M., Chan, C.-M., "Fabrication of DNA mediated devices: Alignment of single DNA and the 1-D pattern of DNA self-assembly", AIP Conference Proceedings. v. 859, 2006, p. 3-18 (2006)
Chan, Chi-Ming., Weng, Lu-Tao., Ng, Kai-Mo., "Polymer Characterization by XPS, ToF-SIMS and AFM", World Forum on Advanced Materials. Nara, Japan, April 17-22, 2006, p.83 (2006)
Poon, A.W., Lee, J.Y., Chan, C., "Spiral microdisk resonator-based channel filters on a silicon chip: Probing the out-of-plane scattering spectra", Proceedings of International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, Metamaterials 2006. 2006, p. 234-239 (2006)
Chan, Chi-Ming., "From Nuclei to Spherulites as Observed by AFM", 3rd East-Asian Polymer Conference, Chengdu, China June. June 6-9 (2004)
Chan, Chi-Ming., Wu, Jingshen., Li, Jiang-Xiong., Cheung, Ying-Kit., Sun, Guifan., Wong, Mozhen., Zhang, Yan., "Polypropylene/Calcium Carbonate Nanocomposites", International Symposium on Engineering Plastics, Lanzhou, China. Aug. 15-20, 2004. (2004)
Cheung, Zhuo-Lin., Lei, Yu-Guo., Ng, Kai Mo., Li, Lin., Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi Ming., "Surface Chemical and Morphological Properties of a Blend Containing Semi-Crystalline and Amorphous Components Compared with a Polymer Containing the same Crystalline and Amorphous Components", International Conference and Exhibition 'Macromolecular Science and its Impact on Industries', Selangor, Malaysia. Sept. 27-29, 2004 (2004)
Zhang, Y., Chan, C.-M., Wu, J., "Tensile property, morphology and micro-deformation of polypropylene/ CaCO<sub>3</sub> nanocomposites", Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings. v. 2, 2004, p. 1795-1799 (2004)
Wang, Yong., Chan, Chi-Ming., Ng, Kai-Mo., Jiang, Yong., Li, Lin., "AFM Study on Lamellar Branching", The 8th Pacific Polymer Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Nov. 24-27 (2003)
Chan, Chi-Ming., Li, Lin., Ng, Kai-Mo., Wang, Yong., Lei, Yu-Gao., "From Nuclei to Spherulites as observed by AFM", Annual Conference of the Guangdong Chemical Industry Society, Guangdong, January. p. 2.1 -2.6 (2003)
Chau, JLH., Leung, AYL., Shing, MB., Yeung, KL., Chan, CM., "Hydrogen and proton transport properties of nanoporous zeolite micromembranes", NANO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: NOVEL STRUCTURES AND PHENOMENA. 2003, p. 228-232 (2003)
Chan, Chi-Ming., "Mechanical properties and toughening mechanisms of the PS/LDPE/SBS blends with a crosslinked interface", Polymer Processing Society, 19th Annual Meeting (PPS-19), Melbourne, Australia. July 7-10 (2003)
Weon, J., Lu, J., Sue, H.-J., Davis, R., Clark, R., Chan, C.-M., Wu, J., "Morphology and Mechanical Property Relationship in Polypropylene Composites", Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings. v. 2, 2003, p. 1484-1488 (2003)
Chan, Chi-Ming., "Polypropylene/calcium carbonate Nanocomposites", International Conference on Advanced Materials Technologies, Singapore. 7-12, December (2003)
Lu, Y.-H., Jiang, Y., Jin, X.-G., Li, L., Chan, C.-M., "Real-time AFM study of lamellar growth of semi-crystalline polymers", Macromolecular Symposia. v. 192, 2003, p. 271-279 (2003)
Wang, Y., Chan, C-M., Ng, K-M., Jiang, Y., Li, L., Lei, Y-G., Cheung, Z-L., "Real-time study on lamellar branching by atomic force microscopy", Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 88, pp. 620. Spring 2003 (2003)
Cheung, Zhuo-Lin., Lei, Yu-Gao., Ng, Kai Mo., Li, Lin., Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Surface Chemical and Amorphous Components Comaptred with a Polymer Containing the same Semi-crystalline and Amorphous Components", The 8th Pacific Polymer Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Nov. 24-27 (2003)
Wong, Mozen., Wu, Jingshen., Chan, Chi-Ming., Mai, Yiu-Wing., "Crystal Structure and Mechanical Properties of PP-Based Composites With Nano-Scale Inorganic Fillers", Proceedings of the 3rd Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-3), Auckland, New Zealand, 15-17 July. pp. 809-816 (2002)
Cheng, Gordon., Wu, Jingshen., Chan, Chi-Ming., "Investigation on the Mechanical Property and Strengthening Mechanisms of the PS/LDPE/SBS Blends with Cross-linked Interface", Proceedings of the 3rd Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-3), 15-17 July, Auckland, New Zealand. pp. 583-590 (2002)
Chan, Chi-Ming., "Polypropylene and High Density Polyethylene Composites", SPE Asia Conference, 5-6 September, Taiwan. 99-104 (2001)
Weng, Lu-Tao., Chan, Chi-Ming., "ToF-SIMS quantitative approaches in copolymers and polymer blends", 13th International conference on secondary ion mass spectrometry and related techniques, Nara, Japan
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Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Carbon black(CB) distribution in binary immiscible polymer blends", ANTEC 2000: SOCIETY OF PLASTICS ENGINEERS TECHNICAL PAPERS, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS I-III. 2000, p. 2490-2494 (2000)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., Weng, LT., "Morphology identification of a polymer blend by time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry(ToF-SIMS) chemical imaging", ANTEC 2000: SOCIETY OF PLASTICS ENGINEERS TECHNICAL PAPERS, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS I-III. 2000, p. 2434-2437 (2000)
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Chan, CM., Chen, SX., "Mathematical model and solution of structural optimization to limit wind-induced responses of tall steel buildings", OPTIMIZATION OF STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS. 1999, p. 422-429 (1999)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Carbon black filled immiscible blend of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and high density polyethylene: Electrical properties and morphology", CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AT ANTEC '98: PLASTICS ON MY MIND, VOLS I-3: VOL I; PROCESSING, VOL II; SPECIAL AREAS, VOL III; MATERIALS. v. 44, 1998, p. 2476-2480 (1998)
Guo, B., Chan, CM., "Chain extension of poly(butylene terephthalate) by reactive extrusion", CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AT ANTEC '98: PLASTICS ON MY MIND, VOLS I-3: VOL I; PROCESSING, VOL II; SPECIAL AREAS, VOL III; MATERIALS. v. 44, 1998, p. 1653-1656 (1998)
Lo, HHK., Chan, CM., Zhu, SH., "Characterization of the lubricant layer formed at the interface between the extrudate and the die wall during the extrusion of high density polyethylene and fluoroelastomer blends", CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AT ANTEC '98: PLASTICS ON MY MIND, VOLS I-3: VOL I; PROCESSING, VOL II; SPECIAL AREAS, VOL III; MATERIALS. v. 44, 1998, p. 314-318 (1998)
Guo, W., Li, YG., Porter, JF., Chan, CM., Chan, CK., "Production and evaluation of submicron titanium dioxide powders for photocatalytic degradation of organics in wastewater treatment", PROCESSING AND FABRICATION OF ADVANCED MATERIALS VI, VOLS 1 & 2. 1998, p. 891-900 (1998)
Li, L., Chan, C.M., Weng, L.T., Xiang, M.L., Jiang, M., "Surface study of poly(styrene-co-4-vinylphenol) and poly(styrene-co-4-vinylpyridine) blends by XPS and TOF-SIMS", American Chemical Society, Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry. v. 39, (2), 1998, p. 1173-1174 (1998)
Zeng, X M., Weng, L T., Li, L., Chan, C M., "The surface morphologies and microstructure of polystyrene and poly(n-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) blends compatibilized with random copolymer using ToF-SIMS chemical imaging", Polymer Preprints. Vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 1209-1210. Aug. 1998 (1998)
Chang, TYP., Liang, J., Chan, CM., "An integrated system of computer aided design for tall building", PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN CIVIL AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, VOLS 1-4. 1997, p. 709-714 (1997)
Feng, JY., Chan, CM., "Blends of alternating ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer with poly(methyl methacrylate): Compatibility molecular interaction, and morphology", ANTEC'97 - PLASTICS SAVING PLANET EARTH, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 - 3. 1997, p. 2663-2665 (1997)
Zhu, SH., Chan, CM., "Rheological and morphological development in a reactive blending process of the compatibilized PVC/SBR blends", ANTEC'97 - PLASTICS SAVING PLANET EARTH, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 - 3. 1997, p. 2602-2605 (1997)
Li, Lin., Chan, Chi-Ming., Weng, L.T., "Surface study of poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) miscible blends", Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings. v. 2, 1997, p. 2531-2534 (1997)
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Chan, Chi-Ming; Ng, Kai-Mo; Wong, Catherine Yuen-Chien; Cheung, Ying Kit, "Overvoltage protection materials and process for preparing same", US Patent. 7,763,185 B2, 2010 (2010)
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