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Prof. Ping GAO's Publications

Year: Show All | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990


Tang, Youhong., Gao, Ping., Ye, Lin., Zhao, Chengbi., "A Comparative Study of Thermotropic LCP and Organoclay as Fillers in High Molecular Mass Polyethylene with Different Blending Sequences", Polymer engineering and science. v. 50, (8), 2010, AUG, p. 1679-1688 (2010)

Ma, Manlung., Kuang, Yi., Gao, Yuan., Zhang, Yan., Gao, Ping., Xu, Bing., "Aromatic-Aromatic Interactions Induce the Self-Assembly of Pentapeptidic Derivatives in Water To Form Nanofibers and Supramolecular Hydrogels", Journal of the American Chemical Society. v. 132, (8), 2010, MAR 3, p. 2719-2728 (2010)

Tang, You Hong., Gao, Ping., Ye, Lin., Zhao, Chengbi., "Experimental measurement and numerical simulation of viscosity reduction effects in HMMPE containing a small amount of exfoliated organoclay-modified TLCP composite", Polymer. v. 51, (2), 2010, JAN 21, p. 514-521 (2010)

Yang, C., Tang, Y. H., Lam, W. M., Lu, W. W., Gao, P., Zhao, C. B., Yuen, M. M. F., "Moisture-cured Elastomeric Transparent UV and X-ray Shielding Organic-inorganic Hybrids", Journal of Materials Science. v. 45, (13), 2010, JUL, p. 3588-3594 (2010)

Tang, Youhong., Gao, Ping., Ye, Lin., Zhao, Chengbi., "Organoclay-modified thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers as viscosity reduction agents for high molecular mass polyethylene", Journal of materials science. v. 45, (19), 2010, OCT, p. 5353-5363 (2010)

Tang, Y., Gao, P., Ye, L., Zhao, C., "Organoclay/thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites. III. Effects of fully exfoliated organoclay on morphology, thermal, and rheological properties", Journal of polymer science. Part B, Polymer physics. v. 48, (6), 2010, p. 712-720 (2010)

Tang, Youhong., Gao, Ping., Ye, Lin., Zhao, Chengbi., Lin, Wei., "Organoclay/thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites. Part II: shear-induced phase separation", Journal of materials science. v. 45, (16), 2010, AUG, p. 4422-4430 (2010)

Tang, Youhong., Gao, Ping., Ye, Lin., Zhao, Chengbi., Lin, Wei., "Organoclay/thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites. Part IV: organoclay of comparable size to fully extended TLCP molecules", Journal of materials science. v. 45, (12), 2010, JUN, p. 3336-3343 (2010)

Tang, Youhong., Gao, Ping., Ye, Lin., Zhao, Chengbi., Lin, Wei., "Organoclay/thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites. Part V: morphological and rheological studies", Journal of materials science. v. 45, (11), 2010, JUN, p. 2874-2883 (2010)

Tang, Y., Gao, P., Ye, L., Zhao, C., Lin, W., "Organoclay/thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites. Part VI: Effects of intercalated organoclay on nanocomposite morphology, thermal and rheological properties", International journal of smart and nano materials. v. 1, (3), 2010, p. 173-186 (2010)

Yang, Zhimou., Wang, Ling., Wang, Jingyu., Gao, Ping., Xu, Bing., "Phenyl groups in supramolecular nanofibers confer hydrogels with high elasticity and rapid recovery", Journal of materials chemistry. v. 20, (11), 2010, p. 2128-2132 (2010)

Tang, youhong., Gao, Ping., Ye, Lin., Zhao, C.B., "Rheological Study on High Density Polyethylene/ Organoclay Composites", Polymer engineering and science. June 2010 (2010)

Conference paper

Gao, Ping., "Micro-rheological study of a main chain thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester containing a small amount of fully exfoliated nanoclay", 11th Conference on Liquid Crystalline Polymers and Supra Molecular Structures in China. 13-15 August 2010, Zhengzhou, China (2010)

Lee, Nesta S.L., Gao, Ping., "Micro-rheology of nano-Ag@carbon nanotube/silver epoxy composites", 6th International Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers, 5-9 September 2010, Athens, Greece. , 2010 (2010)
