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Prof. Jean Marie TARASCON's Publications

Year: Show All | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1995


Nguyen, T.L.A.; Demir-Cakan, R.; Devic, T.; Morcrette, M.; Ahnfeldt, T.; Auban-Senzier, P.; Stock, N.; Goncalves, A.-M.; Filinchuk, Y.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Férey, G., "3-D Coordination polymers based on the tetrathiafulvalenetetracarboxylate (TTF-TC) derivative: Synthesis, characterization, and oxidation issues", Inorganic chemistry. v. 49, (15), 2010, p. 7135-7143 (2010)

Recham, N.; Chotard, J.-N.; Dupont, L.; Delacourt, C.; Walker, W.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "A 3.6 v lithium-based fluorosulphate insertion positive electrode for lithium-ion batteries", Nature Materials. v. 9, (1), 2010, p. 68-74 (2010)

Sabatier, J.; Cugnet, M.; Laruelle, S.; Grugeon, S.; Sahut, B.; Oustaloup, A.; Tarascon, J.M., "A fractional order model for lead-acid battery crankability estimation", Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation. v. 15, (5), 2010, p. 1308-1317 (2010)

Sauvage, F.; Bodenez, V.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Poeppelmeier, K.R., "Ag 6Mo 2O 7F 3Cl: A new silver cathode material for enhanced ICD primary lithium batteries", Inorganic chemistry. v. 49, (14), 2010, p. 6461-6467 (2010)

Lecoeur, C.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Guery, C., "Al current collectors for Li-Ion batteries made via a template-free electrodeposition process in ionic liquids", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 157, (6), 2010, p. A641-A646 (2010)

Shanmukaraj, D.; Grugeon, S.; Gachot, G.; Lauelle, S.; Mathlron, D.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Armand, M., "Boron esters as tunable anion carriers for non-aqueous batteries electrochemistry", Journal of the American Chemical Society. v. 132, (9), 2010, p. 3055-3062 (2010)

Bridel, J.-S.; Grugeon, S.; Laruelle, S.; Hassoun, J.; Reale, P.; Scrosati, B.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Decomposition of ethylene carbonate on electrodeposited metal thin film anode", Journal of power sources. v. 195, (7), 2010, p. 2036-2043 (2010)

Walker, W.; Grugeon, S.; Mentre, O.; Laruelle, S.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Wudl, F., "Ethoxycarbonyl-based organic electrode for Li-batteries", Journal of the American Chemical Society. v. 132, (18), 2010, p. 6517-6523 (2010)

Daval, D.; Testemale, D.; Recham, N.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Siebert, J.; Martinez, I.; Guyot, F., "Fayalite (Fe2SiO4) dissolution kinetics determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy", Chemical geology. v. 275, (3-4), 2010, p. 161-175 (2010)

Ati, M.; Walker, W.T.; Djellab, K.; Armand, M.; Recham, N.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Fluorosulfate positive electrode materials made with polymers as reacting media", Electrochemical and solid-state letters. v. 13, (11), 2010, p. A150-A153 (2010)

Ati, M.; Sougrati, M.T.; Recham, N.; Barpanda, P.; Leriche, J.-B.; Courty, M.; Armand, M.; Jumas, J.-C.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Fluorosulfate positive electrodes for Li-ion batteries made via a solid-state dry process", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 157, (9), 2010, p. A1007-A1015 (2010)

Giordani, V.; Freunberger, S.A.; Bruce, P.G.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Larcher, D., "H2O2 Decomposition Reaction as Selecting Tool for Catalysts in Li-O2 Cells", Electrochemical and solid-state letters. v. 13, (12), 2010, p. A180-A183 (2010)

Mestre-Aizpurua, F.; Laruelle, S.; Grugeon, S.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Palacín, M.R., "High temperature lithium cells using conversion oxide electrodes", Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. v. 40, (7), 2010, p. 1365-1370 (2010)

Tarascon, J.-M.; Recham, N.; Armand, M.; Chotard, J.-N.; Barpanda, P.; Walker, W.; Dupont, L., "Hunting for better Li-based electrode materials via low temperature inorganic synthesis", Chemistry of materials. v. 22, (3), 2010, p. 724-739 (2010)

Recham, N.; Chotard, J-N.; Jumas, J-C; Laffont, L.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J-M., "Ionothermal Synthesis of Li-Based Fluorophosphates Electrodes", Chemistry of materials. v. 22, (3), February 2010, p. 1142-1148 (2010)

Tarascon, Jean-Marie, "Is lithium the new gold?", Nature chemistry. v. 2, (6), June 2010, p. 510 (2010)

Tarascon, J.-M., "Key challenges in future Li-battery research", Philosophical transactions - Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and engineering sciences. v. 368, (1923), 2010, p. 3227-3241 (2010)

Bridel, J.-S.; Azaïs, T.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Larcher, D., "Key parameters governing the reversibility of Si/carbon/CMC electrodes for Li-ion batteries", Chemistry of materials. v. 22, (3), 2010, p. 1229-1241 (2010)

Frayret, C.; Villesuzanne, A.; Spaldin, N.; Bousquet, E.; Chotard, J.-N.; Recham, N.; Tarascon, J.-M., "LiMSO4F (M = Fe, Co and Ni): Promising new positive electrode materials through the DFT microscope", PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics. v. 12, (47), 2010, p. 15512-15522 (2010)

Shaijumon, M.M.; Perre, E.; Daffos, B.; Taberna, P.-L.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Simon, P., "Nanoarchitectured 3D cathodes for Li-ion microbatteries", Advanced materials. v. 22, (44), 2010, p. 4978-4981 (2010)

Recham, N.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Novel low temperature approaches for the eco-efficient synthesis of electrode materials for secondary Li-ion batteries", Comptes rendus. Chimie. v. 13, (1-2), 2010, p. 106-116 (2010)

Cugnet, M.; Sabatier, J.; Laruelle, S.; Grugeon, S.; Sahut, B.; Oustaloup, A.; Tarascon, J.-M., "On lead-acid-battery resistance and cranking-capability estimation", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. v. 57, (3), 2010, p. 909-917 (2010)

Nguyen, T.L.A.; Devic, T.; Mialane, P.; Rivière, E.; Sonnauer, A.; Stock, N.; Demir-Cakan, R.; Morcrette, M.; Livage, C.; Marrot, J.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Férey, G., "Reinvestigation of the MII(M = Ni, Co)/ TetraThiafulvaleneTetraCarboxylate system using high-throughput methods: Isolation of a molecular complex and its single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation to a two-dimensional coordination polymer", Inorganic chemistry. v. 49, (22), 2010, p. 10710-10717 (2010)

Sauvage, F.; Bodenez, V.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Poeppelmeier, K.R., "Room-Temperature synthesis leading to nanocrystalline Ag2V 4O11", Journal of the American Chemical Society. v. 132, (19), 2010, p. 6778-6782 (2010)

Shanmukaraj, D.; Grugeon, S.; Laruelle, S.; Douglade, G.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Armand, M., "Sacrificial salts: Compensating the initial charge irreversibility in lithium batteries", Electrochemistry communications. v. 12, (10), 2010, p. 1344-1347 (2010)

Prakash, A.S.; Manikandan, P.; Ramesha, K.; Sathiya, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Shukla, A.K., "Solution-combustion synthesized nanocrystalline Li4Ti 5O12 as high-rate performance li-ion battery anode", Chemistry of materials. v. 22, (9), 2010, p. 2857-2863 (2010)

Sauvage, F.; Bodenez, V.; Vezin, H.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Poeppelmeier, K.R., "Structural and transport evolution in the LixAg2V4O11 system", Journal of power sources. v. 195, (4), 2010, p. 1195-1201 (2010)

Barpanda, P.; Chotard, J.-N.; Recham, N.; Delacourt, C.; Ati, M.; Dupont, L.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Structural, transport, and electrochemical investigation of novel AMSO 4F (A = Na, Li; M = Fe, Co, Ni, Mn) metal fluorosulphates prepared using low temperature synthesis routes", Inorganic chemistry. v. 49, (16), 2010, p. 7401-7413 (2010)

Barpanda, P.; Recham, N.; Chotard, J.-N.; Djellab, K.; Walker, W.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Structure and electrochemical properties of novel mixed Li(Fe 1-xMx)SO4F (M = Co, Ni, Mn) phases fabricated by low temperature ionothermal synthesis", Journal of materials chemistry. v. 20, (9), 2010, p. 1659-1668 (2010)

Eymery, J.-B.; Truflandier, L.; Charpentier, T.; Chotard, J.-N.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Janot, R., "Studies of covalent amides for hydrogen storage systems: Structures and bonding of the MAl(NH2)4 phases with M = Li, Na and K", Journal of alloys and compounds. v. 503, (1), 2010, p. 194-203 (2010)

Ati, M.; Dupont, L.; Recham, N.; Chotard, J.N.; Walker, W.T.; Davoisne, C.; Barpanda, P.; Sarou-Kanian, V.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.M., "Synthesis, structural, and transport properties of novel bihydrated fluorosulphates NaMSO4F 2H2O (M=Fe, Co, and Ni)", Chemistry of materials. v. 22, (13), 2010, p. 4062-4068 (2010)

Fateeva, A.; Horcajada, P.; Devic, T.; Serre, C.; Marrot, J.; Grenèche, J.-M.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Maurin, G.; Férey, G., "Synthesis, structure, characterization, and redox properties of the porous MIL-68(Fe) solid", European journal of inorganic chemistry. (24), 2010, p. 3789-3794 (2010)

Walker, W.; Grugeon, S.; Vezin, H.; Laruelle, S.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.M.; Wudl, F., "The effect of length and cis/trans relationship of conjugated pathway on secondary battery performance in organolithium electrodes", Electrochemistry communications. v. 12, (10), 2010, p. 1348-1351 (2010)

Conference paper

Barpanda, P.; Ati, M.; Recham, N.; Chotard, J.-N.; Walker, W.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Crystal structure and electrochemical study of A(Fe 1-xM x)SO 4F (A = Li/Na; M = Co/Ni/Mn) fluorosulphates prepared by low temperature synthesis", ECS transactions. v. 28, (31), 2010, p. 1-9 (2010)

Barpanda, P.; Recham, N.; Djellab, K.; Boulineau, A.; Armand, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Ionothermal synthesis and electrochemical characterization of nanostructured lithium manganese phosphates", ECS transactions. v. 25, (14), 2010, p. 1-7 (2010)

Hamelet, S.; Gibot, P.; Casas-Cabanas, M.; Levasseur, S.; Bonnin, D.; Grey, C.; Cabana, J.; Leriche, J.-B.; Courty, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Masquelier, C., "The role of structural defects on the electrochemistry of LiFePO 4 - Type cathodes", 27th International Battery Seminar and Exhibit 2010. v. 1, 2010, p. 427-434 (2010)
