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Prof. Furong GAO's Publications

Year: Show All | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996


Liu, Tao., Gao, Furong., "A generalized relay identification method for time delay and non-minimum phase processes", Automatica. v. 45, (4), 2009, APR, p. 1072-1079 (2009)

Yao, Yuan., Gao, Furong., "A survey on multistage/multiphase statistical modeling methods for batch processes", Annual reviews in control. v. 33, (2), 2009, DEC, p. 172-183 (2009)

Yao, Yuan., Zhao, Chunhui., Gao, Furong., "Batch-to-Batch Steady State Identification Based on Variable Correlation and Mahalanobis Distance", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 48, (24), 2009, DEC 16, p. 11060-11070 (2009)

Zhao, Chunhui., Wang, Fuli., Gao, Furong., "Covariance-oriented qualitative and quantitative analysis in multivariate calibration for multistage batch processes", Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. v.87, (3), 2009, Jun, p. 466-476 (2009)

Wang, Youqing., Zhou, Donghua., Gao, Furong., "Generalized predictive control of linear systems with actuator arrearage faults", Journal of process control. v. 19, (5), 2009, MAY, p. 803-815 (2009)

Liu, Tao., Yao, Ke., Gao, Furong., "Identification and Autotuning of Temperature-Control System With Application to Injection Molding", IEEE transactions on control systems technology. v. 17, (6), 2009, NOV, p. 1282-1294 (2009)

Zhao, Chunhui., Wang, Fuh., Gao, Furong., "Improved calibration investigation using phase-wise local and cumulative quality interpretation and prediction", Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems. v. 95, (2), 2009, FEB 15, p. 107-121 (2009)

Zhou, F., Yao, K., Chen, X., Gao, F., "In-mold Melt Front Rate Control Using a Capacitive Transducer in Injection Molding", International polymer processing. v. 24, (3), 2009, JUL, p. 253-260 (2009)

Lu, Junde., Yao, Yuan., Gao, Furong., "Model Migration for Development of a New Process Model", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 48, (21), 2009, NOV 4, p. 9603-9610 (2009)

Yao, Yuan., Gao, Furong., "Multivariate statistical monitoring of multiphase two-dimensional dynamic batch processes", Journal of process control. v. 19, (10), 2009, DEC, p. 1716-1724 (2009)

Zhao, Chunhui., Gao, Furong., Wang, Fuli., "Nonlinear Batch Process Monitoring Using Phase-Based Kernel-Independent Component Analysis-Principal Component Analysis (KICA-PCA)", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 48, (20), 2009, OCT 21, p. 9163-9174 (2009)

Yao, Yuan., Gao, Furong., "Phase and transition based batch process modeling and online monitoring", Journal of process control. v. 19, (5), 2009, MAY, p. 816-826 (2009)

Lu, Junde., Yao, Ke., Gao, Furong., "Process Similarity and Developing New Process Models Through Migration", AIChE journal. v. 55, (9), 2009, SEP, p. 2318-2328 (2009)

Wang, Youqing., Gao, Furong., Doyle, III, Francis J., "Survey on iterative learning control, repetitive control, and run-to-run control", Journal of process control. v. 19, (10), 2009, DEC, p. 1589-1600 (2009)

Yao, Yuan., Diao, Yinghu., Lu, Ningyun., Lu, Junde., Gao, Furong., "Two-Dimensional Dynamic Principal Component Analysis with Autodetermined Support Region", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 48, (2), 2009, JAN 21, p. 837-843 (2009)

Book chapter

Gao, Furong., Yang, Yi., "Injection Molding Control", Injection molding: technology and fundamentals. / Edited by Musa R. Kamal, AvramI. Isayev, Shih-Jung Liu. Munich : Hanser, 2009, p. 0-926 (2009)

Conference paper

Shi, J., Gao, F., Jiang, Q., Cao, Z., "A design framework for iterative learning control (ILC) based on 2-dimensional model predictive control (2D-MPC)", 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009. 2009, p. 1746-1751 (2009)

Zhao, C., Gao, F., Liu, T., Wang, F., "An improved statistical modeling strategy by spectroscopy for online monitoring and diagnosis of batch processes", Proceedings of 2009 7th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2009. 2009, p. 893-898 (2009)

Yao, Yuan., Gao, Furong., "Batch Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Based on Multi-Time-Scale Dynamic PCA Models", ADCHEM 2009, International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes. pp. 999-1004, Vol. 2, July 12-15, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2009)

Yao, K., Yang, Y., Gao, F., "Batch process control from practice to 2D model predictive control", 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009. 2009 (2009)

Qin, Xusong., Gao, Furong., Chen, Guohua., "Development of Wastewater Quality Monitoring System Using Sensor Fusion And Machine Learning Techniques", The 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Montreal, 23-27 August, 2009 (2009)

Wang, Y., Zhou, D., Gao, F., "Fault-tolerant control for batch processes - Overview and outlook", 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2009. 2009, p. 908-913 (2009)

Liu, T., Gao, F., Zhao, C., "Identification of low-order process model with time delay from closed-loop step test", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2009, p. 2587-2591 (2009)

Liu, Tao., Gao, Furong., "Identification of low-order unstable process model from closed-loop step test", ADCHEM 2009, International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes. v.7, (1), 2009, p. 447-451, July, Istanbul, Turkey (2009)

Liu, T., Gao, F., Zhao, C., "Identification of time delay model for integrating processes from closed-loop step test", Proceedings of 2009 7th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2009. 2009, p. 615-619 (2009)

Zhao, C., Gao, F., Liu, T., Wang, F., "Improved independent component regression modeling", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2009, p. 1507-1512 (2009)

Mo, S.Y., Yang, Y., Gao, F., "Iterative learning control of mold-open position in injection molding", Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings. v. 5, 2009, p. 2946-2950 (2009)
