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Prof. Furong GAO's Publications

Year: Show All | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996


Liu, Tao., Gao, Furong., Wang, Youqing., "A systematic approach for on-line identification of second-order process model from relay feedback test", AIChE journal. v. 54, (6), 2008, JUN, p. 1560-1578 (2008)

Liu, Tao., Gao, Furong., "Alternative identification algorithms for obtaining a first-order stable/unstable process model from a single relay feedback test", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 47, (4), 2008, FEB 20, p. 1140-1149 (2008)

Yao, Ke., Gao, Furong., Allgoewer, Frank., "Barrel temperature control during operation transition in injection molding", Control engineering practice. v. 16, (11), 2008, NOV, p. 1259-1264 (2008)

Wong, Ho Yin., Fung, Ka Tsai., Gao, Furong., "Development of a transducer for in-line and through cycle monitoring of key process and quality variables in injection molding", Sensors and Actuators a-physical. v. 141, (2), 2008, FEB 15, p. 712-722 (2008)

Zhao, Chunhui., Wang, Fuli., Gao, Furong., Zhang, Yingwei., "Enhanced Process Comprehension and Statistical Analysis for Slow-Varying Batch Processes", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 47, (24), 2008, DEC 17, p. 9996-10008 (2008)

Liu, Tao., Gao, Furong., "Identification of integrating and unstable processes from relay feedback", Computers & chemical engineering. v. 32, (12), 2008, DEC 22, p. 3038-3056 (2008)

Yang, Yi., Yao, Ke., Gao, Furong., "Injection Molding Control: From Single Cycle to Batch Control", Advances in polymer technology. v. 27, (4), 2008, WIN, p. 217-223 (2008)

Wang, Youqing., Zhou, Donghua., Gao, Furong., "Iterative learning model predictive control for multi-phase batch processes", Journal of process control. v. 18, (6), 2008, JUL, p. 543-557 (2008)

Wang, Youqing., Zhou, Donghua., Gao, Furong., "Iterative learning reliable control of batch processes with sensor faults", Chemical engineering science. v. 63, (4), 2008, FEB, p. 1039-1051 (2008)

Lu, Junde., Gao, Furong., "Model Migration with Inclusive Similarity for Development of a New Process Model", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 47, (23), 2008, DEC 3, p. 9508-9516 (2008)

Lu, Junde., Gao, Furong., "Process Modeling based on process similarity", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 47, (6), 2008, MAR 19, p. 1967-1974 (2008)

Liu, Tao., Gao, Furong., "Robust Step-Like Identification of Low-Order Process Model Under Nonzero Initial Conditions and Disturbance", IEEE transactions on automatic control. v. 53, (11), 2008, DEC, p. 2690-2695 (2008)

Yao, Yuan., Gao, Furong., "Subspace identification for two-dimensional dynamic batch process statistical monitoring", Chemical engineering science. v. 63, (13), 2008, JUL, p. 3411-3418 (2008)

Wang, Youqing., Jiang, Canghua., Zhou, Donghua., Gao, Furong., "Variable structure control for a class of nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties", Applied mathematics and computation. v. 200, (1), 2008, JUN 15, p. 387-400 (2008)

Conference paper

Zhang, Lei., Chen, Xi., Gao, Furong., "An intelligent profiling strategy of injection velocity for uniform cavity filling based on recurrent neural network model", 18th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING. Vol. 4, p1332, 24-28 AUGUST 2008, PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC (2008)

Yao, Ke., Yang, Yi., Gao, Furong., "Barrel Temperature Control in Injection Moulding Process", Symposium on Advanced Molding Technology and Materials Processing, SANTMP'08. Beijing, China. 16-17 November, 2008 (2008)

Gao, Furong., "Injection moulding control and optimization: from applied research to academic research", 北京自動化學會年會. 15 November, 2008. Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing (2008)

Gao, Furong., "Multi-phase batch process monitoring", 中國國家自然科學基金委雙清論壇. 北京西郊賓館, 4-7 November, 2008 (2008)

Liu, Tao., Gao, Furong., "Relay-Based Autotuning of PID Controller for Improved Load Disturbance Rejection", 17th IFAC World Congress. pp. 10933-10938, , July 6-11, 2008, Seoul, Korea (2008)

Yao, Yuan., Gao, Furong., "Stage-Oriented Statistical Batch Processes Monitoring, Quality Prediction and Improvement", 17th IFAC World Congress. pp. 4499-4510, July 6-11, 2008, Seoul, Korea (2008)
