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Prof. Jean Marie TARASCON's Publications

Year: Show All | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1995


Dedryvère, R.; Laruelle, S.; Grugeon, S.; Poizot, P.; Gonbeau, D.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Contribution of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to the Study of the Electrochemical Reactivity of CoO toward Lithium", Chemistry of materials. v. 16, (6), 2004, p. 1056-1061 (2004)

Larcher, D.; Prakash, A.S.; Saint, J.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Electrochemical reactivity of Mg2Sn phases with metallic lithium", Chemistry of materials. v. 16, (25), 2004, p. 5502-5511 (2004)

Pralong, V.; Leriche, J.-B.; Beaudoin, B.; Naudin, E.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Electrochemical study of nanometer Co3O4, Co, CoSb3 and Sb thin films toward lithium", Solid state ionics. v. 166, (3-4), 2004, p. 295-305 (2004)

Bouessay, I.; Rougier, A.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Electrochemically inactive nickel oxide as electrochromic material", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 151, (6), 2004, p. H145-H152 (2004)

Dantras, E.; Dandurand, J.; Lacabanne, C.; Laffont, L.; Tarascon, J.M.; Archambeau, S.; Seguy, I.; Destruel, P.; Bock, H.; Fouet, S., "HRTEM, TSC and broadband dielectric spectroscopy of a discotic liquid crystal", PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics. v. 6, (16), 2004, p. 4167-4173 (2004)

Laruelle, S.; Pilard, S.; Guenot, P.; Grugeon, S.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Identification of Li-based electrolyte degradation products through DEI and ESI high-resolution mass spectrometry", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 151, (8), 2004, p. A1202-A1209 (2004)

Bardé, F.; Palacin, M.R.; Chabre, Y.; Isnard, O.; Tarascon, J.-M., "In situ neutron powder diffraction of a nickel hydroxide electrode", Chemistry of materials. v. 16, (20), 2004, p. 3936-3948 (2004)

Sannier, L.; Bouchet, R.; Santinacci, L.; Grugeon, S.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Lithium metal batteries operating at room temperature based on different PEO-PVdF separator configurations", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 151, (6), 2004, p. A873-A879 (2004)

Bardé, F.; Palacin, M.-R.; Beaudoin, B.; Delahaye-Vidal, A.; Tarascon, J.-M., "New Approaches for Synthesizing γIII-CoOOH by Soft Chemistry", Chemistry of materials. v. 16, (2), 2004, p. 299-306 (2004)

Delacourt, C.; Poizot, P.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Masquelier, C., "One-Step Low-Temperature Route for the Preparation of Electrochemically Active LiMnPO4 Powders", Chemistry of materials. v. 16, (1), 2004, p. 93-99 (2004)

Sauvage, F.; Baudrin, E.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Pulsed Laser Deposition and Electrochemical Properties of LiFePo 4 Thin Films", Electrochemical and solid-state letters. v. 7, (1), 2004, p. A15-A18 (2004)

Patrice, R.; Dupont, L.; Aldon, L.; Jumas, J.-C.; Wang, E.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Structural and electrochemical properties of newly synthesized Fe-substituted MnO2 samples", Chemistry of materials. v. 16, (14), 2004, p. 2772-2782 (2004)

Sudant, G.; Baudrin, E.; Dunn, B.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Synthesis and electrochemical properties of vanadium oxide aerogels prepared by a freeze-drying process", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 151, (5), 2004, p. A666-A671 (2004)

Tarascon, J.M.; Delacourt, C.; Prakash, A.S.; Morcrette, M.; Hegde, M.S.; Wurm, C.; Masquelier, C., "Varions strategies to tune the ionic/electronic properties of electrode materials", Dalton transactions. (19), 2004, p. 2988-2994 (2004)

Conference paper

Janot, R.; Aymard, L.; Rougier, A.; Nazri, G.A.; Tarascon, J.M., "Fast hydrogen sorption kinetics for ball-milled Mg2Ni alloys", Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. v. 65, (2-3), 2004, p. 529-534 (2004)

Bardé, F.; Palacin, M.R.; Chabre, Y.; Isnard, O.; Tarascon, J.-M., "In situ neutron diffraction study of the nickel oxihydroxide electrode upon discharge", Physica. B, Condensed matter. v. 350, (1-3 SUPPL. ), 2004, p. e431-e434 (2004)

Kelder, E.M.; Leite, E.R.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Chiang, Y.-M., "Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings: Preface", Materials Research Society symposia proceedings. v. 822, 2004 (2004)
