Prof. Jean Marie TARASCON's Publications
Year: Show All | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1995
Morcrette, M.; Rozier, P.; Dupont, L.; Mugnier, E.; Sannier, L.; Galy, J.; Tarascon, J.-M., "A reversible copper extrusion-insertion electrode for rechargeable Li batteries", Nature Materials. v. 2, (11), 2003, p. 755-761 (2003)
Portier, J.; Poizot, P.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Campet, G.; Subramanian, M.A., "Acid-base behavior of oxides and their electronic structure", Solid state sciences. v. 5, (5), 2003, p. 695-699 (2003)
Gillot, F.; Bichat, M.P.; Favier, F.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.M.; Monconduit, L., "Ball milling synthesis of LixTiP4: Improvement of the electrochemical performances", Ionics. v. 9, (1-2), 2003, p. 71-76 (2003)
Morcrette, M.; Gillot, F.; Monconduit, L.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Ballmilling elaboration of Li-based negative electrode materials", Electrochemical and solid-state letters. v. 6, (4), 2003, p. A59-A62 (2003)
Larcher, D.; Bonnin, D.; Cortes, R.; Rivals, I.; Personnaz, L.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Combined XRD, EXAFS, and Mössbauer studies of the reduction by lithium of α-Fe2O3 with various particle sizes", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 150, (12), 2003, p. A1643-A1650 (2003)
Le Poul, N.; Baudrin, E.; Morcrette, M.; Gwizdala, S.; Masquelier, C.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Development of potentiometric ion sensors based on insertion materials as sensitive element", Solid state ionics. v. 159, (1-2), 2003, p. 149-158 (2003)
Larcher, D.; Masquelier, C.; Bonnin, D.; Chabre, Y.; Masson, V.; Leriche, J.-B.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Effect of particle size on lithium intercalation into α - Fe2O3", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 150, (1), 2003, p. A133-A139 (2003)
Pereira, N.; Dupont, L.; Tarascon, J.M.; Klein, L.C.; Amatucci, G.G., "Electrochemistry of Cu3N with Lithium: A Complex System with Parallel Processes", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 150, (9), 2003, p. A1273-A1280 (2003)
Janot, R.; Aymard, L.; Rougier, A.; Nazri, G.A.; Tarascon, J.M., "Enhanced hydrogen sorption capacities and kinetics of Mg2Ni alloys by ball-milling with carbon and Pd coating", Journal of materials research. v. 18, (8), 2003, p. 1749-1752 (2003)
Chevallier, F.; Letellier, M.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Frackowiak, E.; Rouzaud, J.-N.; Béguin, F., "In Situ 7Li-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Observation of Reversible Lithium Insertion into Disordered Carbons", Electrochemical and solid-state letters. v. 6, (11), 2003, p. A225-A228 (2003)
Tarascon, J.-M.; Morcrette, M.; Dupont, L.; Chabre, Y.; Payen, C.; Larcher, D.; Pralong, V., "On the electrochemical reactivity mechanism of CoSb3 vs. lithium", Journal of the Electrochemical Society. v. 150, (6), 2003, p. A732-A741 (2003)
Naghavi, N.; Marcel, C.; Dupont, L.; Leriche, J.-B.; Tarascon, J.-M., "On the electrochromic properties of antimony-tin oxide thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition", Solid state ionics. v. 156, (3-4), 2003, p. 463-474 (2003)
Tran-Van, P.; Barthelet, K.; Morcrette, M.; Herlem, M.; Tarascon, J.-M.; Cheetham, A.K.; Férey, G., "Reactivity of Lithium with a Microporous Phosphate", Journal of new materials for electrochemical systems. v. 6, (1), 2003, p. 29-31 (2003)
Rougier, A; Soiron, S; Aymard, L; Julien, C; Moscovici, J; Michalowicz, A; Haihal, I; Taouk, B; Nazri, GA; Tarascon, JM, "Relationship between the structural and catalytic properties of mechanosynthesized lithiated manganese oxides", Ionics. v. 9, 2003, p. 155-167 (2003)
Larcher, D.; Sudant, G.; Patrice, R.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Some insights on the use of polyols-based metal alkoxides powders as precursors for tailored metal-oxides particles", Chemistry of materials. v. 15, (18), 2003, p. 3543-3551 (2003)
Débart, A.; Revel, B.; Dupont, L.; Montagne, L.; Leriche, J.-B.; Touboul, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Study of the reactivity mechanism of M3B2O 6 (with M = Co, Ni, and Cu) toward lithium", Chemistry of materials. v. 15, (19), 2003, p. 3683-3691 (2003)
Bonet, F.; Grugeon, S.; Dupont, L.; Herrera Urbina, R.; Guéry, C.; Tarascon, J.M., "Synthesis and characterization of bimetallic Ni-Cu particles", Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 172, (1), 2003, p. 111-115 (2003)
Letellier, M.; Chevallier, F.; Clinard, C.C.; Frackowiak, E.; Rouzaud, J.-N.; Béguin, F.; Morcrette, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "The first in situ 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance study of lithium insertion in hard-carbon anode materials for Li-ion batteries", The Journal of chemical physics. v. 118, (13), 2003, p. 6038-6045 (2003)
Poizot, P.; Laruelle, S.; Touboul, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Wet-chemical synthesis of various iron(III) vanadates(V) by co-precipitation route", Comptes rendus. Chimie. v. 6, (1), 2003, p. 125-134 (2003)
Conference paper
Débart, A.; Revel, B.; Dupont, L.; Montagne, L.; Leriche, J.-B.; Touboul, M.; Tarascon, J.-M., "A mechanism study of M3B2O6 (with M = Co, Ni and Cu) towards Li", Proceedings - Electrochemical Society. v. 20, 2003, p. 227-234 (2003)
Grugeon, S.; Laruelle, S.; Dupont, L.; Tarascon, J.-M., "An update on the reactivity of nanoparticles co-based compounds towards Li", Solid state sciences. v. 5, (6), 2003, p. 895-904 (2003)
Bouessay, I; Rougier, A; Tarascon, JM, "Electrochromic mechanism in nickel oxide thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition", ELECTROCHROMIC MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS. v. 2003, (17), 2003, p. 91-102 (2003)
Janot, R.; Rougier, A.; Aymard, L.; Lenain, C.; Herrera-Urbina, R.; Nazri, G.A.; Tarascon, J.M., "Enhancement of hydrogen storage in MgNi by Pd-coating", Journal of alloys and compounds. v. 356-357, 2003, p. 438-441 (2003)
Baudrin, E.; Sudant, G.; Cheng, W.; Dunn, B.; Tarascon, J.-M., "Synthesis and electrochemical properties of nanotextured materials", Proceedings - Electrochemical Society. v. 20, 2003, p. 335-346 (2003)