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Prof. Po Lock YUE's Publications

Year: Show All | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1986


Puma, GL., Yue, PL., "A novel fountain photocatalytic reactor for water treatment and purification: Modeling and design", Industrial & engineering chemistry research. v. 40, (23), 2001, NOV 14, p. 5162-5169 (2001)

Li, Puma G., Yue, P.L., "A novel fountain photocatalytic reactor: model development and experimental validation", Chem. Eng. Sci.. 56, 2733-2744 (2001)

Puma, GL., Yue, PL., "A novel fountain photocatalytic reactor: model development and experimental validation", Chemical engineering science. v. 56, (8), 2001, APR, p. 2733-2744 (2001)

Wu, Q., Hu, X., Yue, PL., Zhao, XS., Lu, GQ., "Copper/MCM-41 as catalyst for the wet oxidation of phenol", Applied Catalysis b-environmental. v. 32, (3), 2001, AUG 1, p. 151-156 (2001)

Wang, X., Hsing, IM., Yue, PL., "Electrochemical characterization of binary carbon supported electrode in polymer electrolyte fuel cells", Journal of power sources. v. 96, (2), 2001, JUN 15, p. 282-287 (2001)

Wang, X., Hsing, IM., Leng, YJ., Yue, PL., "Model interpretation of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and polarization behavior of H-2/CO mixture oxidation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells", Electrochimica Acta. v. 46, (28), 2001, AUG 31, p. 4397-4405 (2001)

Bossmann, SH., Oliveros, E., Gob, S., Kantor, M., Goppert, A., Braun, AM., Lei, LC., Yue, PL., "Oxidative degradation of polyvinyl alcohol by the photochemically enhanced Fenton reaction. Evidence for the formation of super-macromolecules", Progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism. v. 26, (2-3), 2001, p. 113-137 (2001)

Bossmann, S.H., Oliveros, E., Gob, G., Kanter, M., Gopert, A., Braun, A.M., Lei, L., Yue, P.L., "Oxidative degradation of polyvinyl alcohol by the photochemically enhanced Fenton. Evidence for the formation of super-macromolecules", Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism. 26, 113-137 (2001)

Ji, M., Yu, J., Chen, H., Yue, PL., "Removal of slowly biodegradable COD in combined thermophilic UASB and MBBR systems", Environmental technology. v. 22, (9), 2001, SEP, p. 1069-1079 (2001)

Chen, XM., Chen, GH., Yue, PL., "Stable Ti/IrOx-Sb2O5-SnO2 anode for O-2 evolution with low Ir content", JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B. v. 105, (20), 2001, MAY 24, p. 4623-4628 (2001)

Ding, Z., Hu, XJ., Yue, PL., Lu, GQ., Greenfield, PF., "Synthesis of anatase TiO2 supported on porous solids by chemical vapor deposition", Catalysis today. v. 68, (1-3), 2001, JUL 1, p. 173-182 (2001)

Li Puma, G., Yue, PL., "The modeling of a fountain photocatalytic reactor with a parabolic profile", Chemical engineering science. v. 56, (2), 2001, JAN, p. 721-726 (2001)

Li, Puma G., Yue, P.L., "The modelling of a fountain photocatalytic reactor with a parabolic profile", Chem. Eng. Sci.. 56, 721-726 (2001)

Conference paper

Chen, Guohua., Chen, Xueming., Yue, Po Lock., "A Novel Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalyst", 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering . (2001)

Maira, A.J., Yeung, K.L., Lee, C.Y., Chan, K.C., Yue, P.L., "In-situ FTIR investigation of photocatalytic oxidations of volatile chlorinated C2 compounds on nanostructured TiO2", The 6th International Conference on TiO2 PHotocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air, 26-29 June, Niagara Falls . (2001)

Chen, Xueming., Chen, Guohua., Yue, Po Lock., "Stable Ti/IrOx-Sb2O5-SnO2 Anode for Electroflotation of Wastewater", 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering . (2001)

Liu, G., Yue, P.L., Gao, P., "Study of mixing dynamics and their effects on photodegradation efficiency within an oscillatory flow photocatalytic reactor (OFPR)", 6th International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air, 26-29 June, Niagara Falls, Canada . (2001)
