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Prof. Po Lock YUE's Publications

Year: Show All | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1986


Lei, L., Hu, X., Chu, HP., Chen, G., Yue, PL., "Catalytic wet air oxidation of dyeing and printing wastewater", Water science and technology. v. 35, (4), 1997, p. 311-319 (1997)

Pennington, D.W., Yue, P.L., Mckay, Gordon., Porter, J.F., "Environmental Comparison of Process Design Alternatives Using Multi-component Models", Chem. Eng. Res. Des B.. v. 75, 1997, p. 90-98 (1997)

Yue, PL., "Oxidation reactors for water and wastewater treatment", Water science and technology. v. 35, (4), 1997, p. 189-196 (1997)

Chai, XJ., Chen, GH., Yue, PL., Mi, YL., "Pilot scale membrane separation of electroplating waste water by reverse osmosis", Journal of membrane science. v. 123, (2), 1997, JAN 22, p. 235-242 (1997)

Pennington, DW., Yue, PL., McKay, G., Porter, JF., "The application of multi-compartment models for regional environmental comparison of process design alternatives", Process safety and environmental protection. v. 75, (B2), 1997, MAY, p. 90-97 (1997)

Chen, GH., Chai, XJ., Yue, PL., Mi, YL., "Treatment of textile desizing wastewater by pilot scale nanofiltration membrane separation", Journal of membrane science. v. 127, (1), 1997, APR 30, p. 93-99 (1997)

Conference paper

Pennington, DW., Yue, PL., "Development of a pollution prevention tool for design of continuous chemical processes", ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, VOL 2. 1997, p. 218-225 (1997)
